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Massage for people affected by cancer

This form of massage is especially for people who are or have suffered from cancer. According to the Society for Oncology 'this form of massage‘ is an adjustment of current massage therapy techniques to give a safe and sound massage.

What happens with your body during cancer?

The diagnoses cancer has a huge impact on your life; from one moment to the next, you are a patient. The effect is enormous; you have to endure a lot of stress, changes in your life, either emotionally or physically or both. Treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and such can have a big impact on you with a chance of side effects. Your body is working hard to fight the cancer and side effects. This takes a lot of strength and effort.

What will the massage do for you?

This massage is focused on relaxing the nervous system. Your complaints and pain will not be ‘treated’, but the massage will support the recovery. The massage is a specialization because there are a lot of different types of cancer which each tof them have their own treatments and side effects. Because of the massage, you will experience more relaxation and less stress. Your night rest will get better and you will get back into contact with your own body. The massage can also reduce your pain. The massage will be given in a calm and relaxing way, you can compare it with putting on body lotion (so there will not be as much pressure as with a sports massage for example). This combined with a lot of caring attention and time for you as a human being.

The massage can be given in any phase of the treatment: during the treatment to reduce the pain, after treatment to support recovery and as extra relaxation with loving care if the cancer is cannot be treated or cured anymore.

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